The Hottest Instagram Trends

The only constant on Instagram is that it is always changing. It is an ever-evolving community, making keeping up with trends a never-ending cycle. Users love changes that Instagram keeps introducing and embrace them with open arms.

Whenever the platform launches a new feature or trend, the influencers adapt to it so fast and present it to their audience, and no choice is left for the followers but to go with the flow. In this article, we will mention the three top hottest trends on Instagram at the moment and explain how users and brands are using them and for what is  content marketing.

The most notable trend on Instagram now is its Reels

The Reels on Instagram is a relatively new feature introduced by the platform in 2020, and it quickly became the favorite Instagram trend for millions of platform users worldwide. An Instagram Reel is essentially a video that, at first, could go up to 60 seconds; after the latest update, it now can go up to 90 seconds, allowing users to show their talents and creativity.

The feature was introduced in 2020, around the same time another video-sharing platform, TikTok, started gaining huge fame. So Instagram launched it to compete with TikTok.

People can use this feature to promote their businesses, and businesses can use it to promote their products and services. Instagram allows users to add music and intriguing effects, making the reel more engaging and attracting more views.

Instagram Reels allowed businesses to participate in popular video trends that people like and follow, which led to a bigger audience knowing about and following these businesses. One of the greatest advantages of Reels is that they are easy to shoot, do not take much time, and even easier to edit; that makes them great for people with busy schedules to make, and if they do not want to make any, reels are always fun to watch.

Brands can share a guide on how to use products, a trending meme template, or a trending voice to tell about some of the products’ qualities. Brands can also team with influencers, let the influencer create a reel that describes the product’s story, and advertise it.

Instagram allows using up to 30 hashtags on the users’ reels; hashtags can optimize reels and boost their visibility. Using the right hashtags can help increase engagement rates and reach the right audience, which is vital for the reel’s success.

The second most famous trend on Instagram now is Instagram Live

Instagram live is a popular trend that brands and influencers should explore more. To be more interactive than other Instagram features, Instagram Live does not allow users to use filters. Another great thing about this feature is that it enables users to post their live videos on IGTV, which makes it a two-in-one feature.

This feature is collaborative, so Instagram influencers, celebrities, brands, and businesses can collaborate to promote products, services, events, and other things. It is also an interactive feature; people can comment on a stream and ask questions. Brands can also host Q&A sessions on their Instagram live, where followers can ask questions about products, services, business goals, and all sorts of things.

Another cool thing about Instagram live is the live rooms; this feature allows users to add up to 3 guests to their live streams. Live rooms have helped many businesses by getting them to leverage their guests’ audiences, who also gets notified about the live session.

The feature that has never stopped trending on Instagram is Instagram Stories

All Instagram users agree that Instagram Stories is one of the most liked features on Instagram. It is a feature that lets users share videos and photos with their followers for no more than 24 hours. It is a massive opportunity for influencers, brands, and businesses to derive more sales and higher engagement rates.

Another reason Instagram stories are a great trend is the ability to use polls, location, question stickers, and more in the stories. And there are many tools to help in doing that, like the Instagram story makers, that can make the mission of designing a story much easier, photo editors to make your photos professional looking and etc.

Instagram stories give many highly interactive options, which is why it is an all-time favorite feature for platform users. 

To conclude

The mentioned features are the top Instagram trends that are the most famous and will continue to gain more fame in the year to come. But they are not the only trends; Instagram has many other cool features that casual users, influencers, and businesses can use to grow their following and engagement rate or to be trendy and relatable.

Story stickers and links, Instagram Shops, Instagram Fundraisers, and many other features help keep Instagram stylish and one of the most preferred social platforms.


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