The Ultimate Calisthenics Guide (For Beginners)

Want to kickstart your fitness journey and gain absolute strength? Well, you can rely on Calisthenics and reap its invaluable benefits in no time. But what is calisthenics and how can you get started with it are some of the common queries in the minds of beginners. This ultimate guide is your answer to all your questions related to calisthenics be it, its meaning, benefits, misconceptions, and getting started! So, without any further delay, let’s get started right from the basics!

What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics is derived from two Greek words ‘Kallos’ which means beauty and ‘sthenos’ which stands for overall strength. Thus, regular Calisthenics practice blesses you with amazing strength and beauty. It has been around for a long time as street-style fitness however, it gained more of the spotlight in recent years. The majority of Calisthenics exercises mainly rely on the person’s own body weight. As it acts as a resistance to build muscle strength, coordination, and mobility, Calisthenics is considered a powerful routine that can be easily performed by anyone.

From simple Calisthenics exercises like squats to advanced exercises just like gymnasts perform, there are very few pieces of equipment required. Also, these exercises can be done anywhere at any time. It offers a full range of versatile exercises that anyone can perform.  

The Glorious Benefits Of Calisthenics

While the list of Calisthenics benefits is endless, we have tried to compile all the top ones below.

  1. Beginner-friendly routines

Since all exercises require only the bodyweight and no special equipment, beginners can perform all the routines easily. These exercises do not have any injury risk associated with making the person feel a good change in body composition and posture in just a few sessions. Slowly, it will help in boosting the individual’s confidence and learning the correct form.

  1. All-rounder Exercises

With a complete range of full-body exercises, calisthenics turns out to be your best friend. It engages all the body muscles and fuels their proper movement for improving their balance and strength. In this way, you not only learn the right technique but also maintain proper posture while maintaining a consistent core strength.

  1. Gain All The Good Things

From excellent strength and endurance to explosive muscular power, you will love how your body transforms with progressive overload. It makes you stronger day by day and continues to develop absolute strength. Your movements become sturdy and flexibility goes to the next level.

A Few Misconceptions About Calisthenics

Have a look at some common misconceptions about calisthenics that are spreading wrong information in the minds of beginners.  

  1. No Muscle Building Is Possible With Calisthenics

Well, this is completely rubbish. Even Harvard Health’s research proves that bodyweight exercise is helpful in building muscles. Not just this, it also confirmed an increment in endurance and overall strength provided the bodyweight exercises are performed consistently for a period of time. 

  1. Calisthenics Is Not Meant For Women

Well, this is another myth clouding the minds of women who wish to make the most of bodyweight exercises. Remember bodyweight exercises are for everyone regardless of an individual’s gender. On the contrary, did you know as per recent research by Princeton University, women performing these exercises on a daily basis are found to be more fit and stronger than others? 

  1. There Is No Resistance Increment

This is another misconception fueled in people’s minds who perform bodyweight exercises. Whether you use resistance bands for support or simply rely on your body weight, calisthenics helps everyone increase resistance easily with consistent training.

The Final Verdict

Whether you are already into fitness or just starting out, Calisthenics has proved to be beneficial for everyone. This guide has everything you need to know about Calisthenics as a beginner so you should read about all the benefits and misconceptions before starting with the exercises. Also, make sure you follow special exercise routines from Calisthenics Worldwide experts who create plans as per your fitness level.


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