Highly Beneficial Exercises For Hair Growth at Home!

It is a dream for every girl to have stronger, shiny, and long hair at least once in her lifetime. Long hair looks beautiful and enhances the beauty of the person. With the increasing pollution in the air, contaminated water, bad eating habits, and lifestyle, hair loss has become the most common people among men and women. Today, we will suggest few exercises for hair growth.

Highly Beneficial Exercises For Hair Growth at Home

If you want to improve the growth and texture of your hair, then you must do these exercises. Not only this, you have to be a little careful about your sleeping time and the food that you consume. Apart from this, you would share few interesting and vita tips later in this read. Firstly, know the most effective exercises to grow hair faster. Do you know that the best part of these exercises is that you can do them at home? That means there is no need to go to the gym for it.

Alternate nostril breathing:

Nadi pranayama is one of the most effective exercises for the growth of hair. This exercise promotes hair growth and decreases hair fall. It is the perfect exercise for reducing stress also, and we all are well aware that stress is the prime element in causing several health problems. And, hair fall one among them. Must try this exercise for hair growth and make your dream of having long hair come true.


In English, Pandangusthasana is called the Big toe pose. It is not an easy exercise, but its results are outstanding. This exercise is highly admired among people because it helps to grow hair faster.

Jogging: A simple exercise to grow hair faster

You may probably surprise by how jogging help in the growth of hair. Then, dear, you are underestimating the jogging. It is the best exercise when it is about to get good physical health and increase hair growth. When you jog, your body sweats along with sweating in your scalp that opens the pores there. When the pores on the scalp are open, they will absorb the required nourishment, and your hair will become thicker and shiny and promote the growth of hair.

Standing Forward Fold Pose

This exercise helps to stimulate the blood to your scalp. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose) is great for reducing hair fall. It is simple to perform and also works ideally in relaxing stress and anxiety. For this exercise, you need to stand straight and have to bend your knees slowly. You have to try to touch the feed with your fingertips.

Note: Don’t bend your knees while performing it. It may be hard initially to touch the knees. But practice it daily and it will be easy to perform with time.

Sarvangasana- the best exercise for hair growth

Sarvangasana considers the best exercise for hair growth. This exercise may seem difficult when you will start performing it initially. But with time, you can do it with ease. Sarvangasana helps in supplying the blood to the scalp from that your hair gets good nutrients. Not only it increases the length of the hair, but it is also good for those who are suffering from hormonal imbalances.  

Kapalbhati pranayam: 

Kapalbhati pranayam is one of the most popular exercises for reducing weight. It is the ideal exercise for the growth of the hair too. Most people don’t know its whole benefits and think it is only for weight loss. If you are also suffering from hair loss or just want to make your hair shiny and silky, then you should add this exercise to your routine.

In addition to this, you can easily perform this exercise at home without anyone’s help.

Scalp massage:

A gentle massage on the head regularly brings a big change in the growth of your hair. Everybody should massage their scalp gently because it increases blood circulation which is very good for hair. You can do it by yourself or can take the help of anyone else. It will relax your mind and help in reducing any kind of stress and promote hair length.

Neck exercise

Neck exercise is mostly done by people for relaxing and reducing stress but it is a great exercise for growing hair out. In it, you only need to move your neck front to back and side to side.

Few important tips along with exercise to grow hair faster:

  • Eat health food such as green vegetables, fruits, and others
  • Add the source of vitamin c to your intake
  • Drink lots of water and use good quality shampoo
  • Brush your hair daily gently
  • Don’t use hot hair tools such as straighteners, roller, etc
  • Avoid the tight hairstyles

Let’s take good care of yourself and your hair. Hope you would love these exercises and get good results soon. Good hair gives makes you feel more confident. So, include all these exercises in your routine and follow a good lifestyle. Conquer every field whenever you go and the world is yours.

For more interesting and important health-related problems, don’t forget to visit Vhealthprime. Stay connected with us and be happy and live life to the fullest.


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