How to Use Giloy Juice For Fever at Home

With the arrival of the second wave of Covid-19, we naturally turned to immune-boosting herbs like giloy as a preventive measure. Giloy juice has been used as an immune booster for immunization because it is said to help us fight diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. Ayurvedic experts were confident in the benefits of how to use giloy juice for fever at home against the virus before the vaccine was approved and made available to the public. The homemade giloy juice recipe is a must-try if you’re looking for natural tonics during the pandemic.

How to Use Giloy Juice For Fever at Home

What is Giloy?

Giloy is a herb native to the Indian subcontinent. Its juice is called giloy juice and has long been used in traditional medicine and Ayurveda. Although there are no reports of allopathic scientific data to support the efficacy of giloy juice, traditionalists believe in this wonderful herb.

 “What is the English name of giloy?” This is a common question. In English, Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is called the moonseed with heart leaves. It is also called Guduchi in Hindi. In Sanskrit, it is called “amrita” or “root of immortality” because it is often used to treat chronic fever.

How To Use Giloy Leaf

Giloy has been used to treat a variety of health problems since ancient times. It is extremely important in Ayurveda. Giloy can cure a wide range of diseases, including asthma, arthritis, dengue fever, and gout.

How to use giloy leaf

How to Make Giloy Juice Recipe

If you want to know how to make giloy juice at home, we will walk you through the steps of the giloy juice recipe below. The giloy stems should be washed, peeled, and cut into small pieces. Before putting them in the grinder, crush them with a mortar. Run the grinder after adding water. Using a fine cloth, filter the giloy and water mixture.

If you drink it once in the morning and once in the evening, our recipe can make a day’s giloy juice. If you only want to drink giloy juice once a day, cut all amounts in half.

Benefits of Giloy Juice

Giloy juice is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for a variety of ailments. According to Ayurveda, giloy juice benefits include increased immunity and reduced stress levels. Giloy juice for corona and dengue fever boosts the patient’s platelet count while also boosting immunity. It is widely used to aid in the recovery from dengue fever. A paste made from giloy leaves aids in the healing of wounds. Giloy is also thought to have anti-aging properties.

Giloy juice is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat arthritis, diabetes, respiratory problems such as colds, throat ailments such as tonsillitis, and cough.

Improves Digestion

One of the most common issues we face is indigestion. It can also cause a lot of discomforts. To start caring for your digestive system to enhance digestion, take half a gram of giloy powder with amla every morning. You can also combine giloy juice and buttermilk. People that suffer from piles also can benefit from drinking giloy in this manner.

Improves Diabetics

Are you a diabetic who struggles to keep your blood sugar levels under control? If so, begin consuming giloy. This herb aids in the management of blood sugar levels by assisting in the production of insulin. Giloy can also burn excess glucose and lower blood sugar levels. Giloy is effective in this regard due to its hypoglycemic properties.

When is the best time of day to consume giloy juice?

Giloy juice for dengue fever or giloy juice for fever is typically consumed on an empty stomach every morning. It is also possible to take it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Which giloy juice is better?

Most Ayurvedic pharmacies can easily buy  Giloy Juice without a prescription. But must try giloy juice recipe at home. Fresh homemade giloy juice for crown and dengue made in the clean environment of your own kitchen is always the best and highly recommended. We also recommend that you go to a nearby nursery to purchase a giloy plant and use it as part of your garden so that you can easily get this magical herb anytime, anywhere.

Is giloy safe to take daily?

An Ayurvedic or traditional medicine physician can assist you in determining how long you should consume giloy for it to be effective in your case. The same practitioner can also advise you on when to stop drinking giloy juice because it is a potent herb that should be consumed with caution.

Giloy juice is only suggested as a safety precaution and is an orthodox medicine-based home remedy. To avoid side effects, if you have COVID-19 or another illness, or use giloy juice to enhance your immunity, please consult your doctor before consuming giloy juice. Giloy juice should only be consumed under the doctor’s supervision.

Deepa Mahar

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