Why are Extreme Sports Addictive?

For many of us, extreme sports are interesting to watch, but something we would never want to try for ourselves. You might be wondering, why on earth would anybody want to put themselves through it, and why some people participate in extreme sports over and over again. So, why are extreme sports so addictive?

Why are Extreme Sports Addictive

Anyone who participates in extreme sports experiences the fear of death where large amounts of dopamine are released which creates the feeling many describe as a natural high. As with any high, the human brain can get addicted to the feeling, the same applies here where the human brain often becomes accustomed to operating at these high dopamine levels. This is what can push extreme athletes to constantly seek out new and more dangerous activities.

What makes extreme sports attractive?

So, now we know why extreme sports are addictive and what pushes participants to keep going back but the real question is, what is the attraction in the first place? For some people, the challenge might be something on their bucket list, for others that may be pushing themselves to new limits for a charitable cause. Despite the risks of extreme sports, there are also plenty of benefits that make it worthwhile, such as:

Feeling of accomplishment

The feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing any extreme sport activity is hard to beat. It will push you to your mental and physical limits and whilst accomplishing this task is daunting, it is something you will feel incredibly proud of. 

Use of different muscles

The fitness required for many extreme sports involves the user of a number of different muscle groups compared to a gym workout. As well as activating different muscles, many extreme sports help to improve your fitness levels in other ways such as improved stamina, strength and flexibility. 

Increased confidence levels

A number of studies have identified a strong link between extreme sports and higher self confidence. This is said to be due to the fact that undertaking any extreme sport can help increase your body’s production of an amino acid called neuropeptide Y. This amino acid helps in regulating anxiety and boost your resilience to stressful challenges making you more confident. 

Opportunity to meet new people

By nature, humans are social animals. Even introverts require some level of social interaction and studies have shown that socialising is vital for cognitive performance. Extreme sports offer an excellent opportunity to meet new like minded people because many of these activities are done in teams or as part of a bigger group. 

Reduces fear response

The main function of extreme sports is to induce adrenaline as a result of fear. Overtime, if you regularly take part in extreme sports, your fear response will become dramatically reduced. This goes for a number of things in life other than just extreme sports. If you can jump out of a plane, facing other situations in life should be a breeze. 

Precautions to be taken when participating in extreme sports

As with any high risk job or activity, it is important to stay safe by taking precautions, this especially applies to anyone who takes part in extreme sports. Whilst the precautions will vary depending on the nature of your extreme sport, the premise should remain the same. 

It is important that when participating in your sport, you always wear the correct clothing, carry the right equipment, complete sufficient training and have an expert to guide you if you are not an experienced professional. What’s more, it is also recommended to get financial protection to ensure you, your loved ones and your assets are covered in the event of an accident or injury that stops you from being able to work and provide an income. 
There are plenty of insurers available but if you want specialist cover such as life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection for extreme sports, it is advised you use a financial expert such as Sports FS. Sports FS have more than 20 years of experience insuring those who participate in high risk sports and hazardous occupations. They can guarantee you the best level of protection and at competitive rates.


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