Benefits Of Onion on Hair | How to Use & Make

Onion has been used for hair from ages as a wonderful home remedy for hair growth as it has numerous benefits on hair. It is an easily accessible and affordable ingredient in our kitchen which makes it more popular for using as a measure for hair growth and other hair problems.🌰 Here we are going to share with you some benefits of onion on hair and how to use onion for hair growth. 💁

Benefits Of Onion on Hair

Onion For Hair

Onion contains a high amount of sulphur and protein content in it, and we all know how beneficial keratin is for our hair and thus onion is best for homemade keratin treatment as it has high amount of protein. Some known benefits of onion for hair are it helps premature graying of hair, some hair infections, adds luminous shine to hair and many more. Let’s discuss some of them to ease your hair care routine.💆

Helps Against Premature Greying of Hair

When it comes to benefits of onions on hair one of the major benefit is it prevents premature greying of hairs. When most of us walk into our adulthood majority of the people experience greying of hair which makes us look older than our actual age so onion is best suited for this problem. Onion contains natural potent antioxidents in it which helps in reversing this process and thus helps in this problem so next time do it a try on your hair especially if you are in your adulthood.🧓

Helps Against Premature Greying of Hair-compressed

Fights Against Hair Infections

We all deal with different hair infections at some point of time onion on hair can help this by fighting with these infections. Onion contains anti microbial and anti bacterial properties in it which helps in fighting scalp infections, and works great in reducing dandruff in hair which is a major problem for most of us, also it prevents lice infections in hair which in turn reduces hairfall and makes your hair healthy and voluminous.😍

Provides Nourishment To Hair Follicles

One of the major benefit of onion on hair is it provides moisture and nourishment to hair. Onion contains a lot of healthy nutrients in it like protein and sulphur which are beneficial for hair. When applied to scalp and hair it makes your hair thick and shiny also helps in hair growth. It provides nourishment to hair follicles and restore lusture of hair making it nourished and healthy.👍

Improves Blood Circulation

Massaging onion juice on your scalp can stimulate the scalp and increase blood circulation which helps in hair growth. Onion contains collagen in it which works great for blood circulation. Also it helps in promoting hair growth and thickens your hair and reduces breakage and hairfall.💆
So these are some of the benefits of onion for hair which are great for healthy hair. Now you must be wondering that how should we use onion on hair what it the process to apply?

How to Apply Onion on Hair

To apply onion on hair we have to make onion juice, sounds weird? But this will do wonders to your hair. Follow below steps to prepare onion juice for hair application-

  • STEP 1- Take a onion peel it off.🌰
  • STEP 2- Finely chop it into small pieces.🍚
  • Step 3- Blend the onion pieces into pulp by using a blender. You can also use grater alternatively.🧉
  • STEP 4- Take this pulp and strain it to get onion juice.🍶

Now after preparing onion juice take a cotton pad and dip it in onion juice to soak it. Dab this cotton pad onto your scalp to apply evenly, massage it with your fingers and then leave it for 15-20 minutes just like that, after that rinse your hair with mild shampoo and use conditioner afterwards. Use this home remedy atleast once a week for a visible difference.🥰


Whoke having such amount of benefits of Onion on hair it is a wonderful remedy for hair growth as it contains good nutrients and is antibacterial also. To use Onion for Hair growth purpose onion juice can be used with different ingredients which are easily accessible in our kitchen. Some of these are listed below.✍️

Onion juice can be used with hair oils like coconut oil, olive oil or mustard oil. This mixture will condition your hair with different benefits of hair oils and will improve hair growth.🧴

Onion juice with Egg white, this mixture will nourish your hair with protein in egg along with hair growth.🍳

Onion juice can also be mixed with curry leaves paste, curry leaves are known for strengthning of hair and makes hair thicker.🌿

Honey mixed with onion juice will add extra shine to your hair, it is also antibacterial which will reduce hair infections and thus promoting hair growth.🍯

Onion juice with yogurt will reduce dandruff and it has anti hairfall properties which will boost hair growth.🥡

Onion when used frequently can do wonders to your hair with its natural substances so next time do give it a try using these home remedies for healthy and strong hairs.😊🙋

Deepa Mahar

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